Blessing of the Grotto and Christmas Party at Kasanag

dsc_0714Kasanag Daughters Foundation has a new “Grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” The official inauguration of this prayer place, located at the corner of the compound, was held on December 20,2016, on the occasion of Christmas Party. It was blessed by Fr. Khoa Nguyen, SCJ, assisted by Fr. Joseph Butlig, SCJ, the coordinator of the program. As usual the celebration started with the Eucharist and ended with a meal. In-between there was a program prepared by the girls with the help of a lay missionary from Poland, Miss Karolina Mankiewicz. One of the main parts of the program was singing Christmas carols in different languages. The girls sang almost perfectly one of  the Polish Christmas carols “Przybieżeli do Betlejem Pasterze”, which means “The Shepherds came to Bethlehem.”