Celebrating 25 Years of Religious Commitment of Fr. John Karl Cabaluna and Fr. Arthur Guevara

On May 31, 2024, the first two Filipino SCJs, Fr. John Karl Cabaluna and Fr. Arthur Guevara, marked their Silver Jubilee of Religious Life.

Twenty-five years ago, on May 31, 1999, the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, they took their vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience, guiding them throughout their spiritual journey.

Their formative years included a Novitiate in Dimataling, Zamboanga del Sur, under the wise guidance of Fr. Jeremiah Sheehy, SCJ, their Novice Master. This intense spiritual and intellectual growth period prepared them for a life of service and commitment, shaping their understanding of religious life and deepening their relationship with God.

The milestone celebration of their 25th Anniversary was held at the Novitiate Fr. Dehon in Lower Lucoban, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur. Family, friends, and SCJ members gathered to express gratitude, joy, and prayer in recognition of their remarkable service and fidelity. Though Fr. Guevara could not attend, the event was filled with well wishes for both priests.

As we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Fr. John Karl Cabaluna and Fr. Arthur Guevara, we also offer our prayers and best wishes for their continued journey in the service of the Lord. May the next 25 years of their religious life be filled with abundant blessings, strength, and fulfilment. Their unwavering commitment and selfless dedication serve as an inspiration to all, reminding us of the transformative power of faith.

The 25th Anniversary of the Religious Life of Fr. John Karl Cabaluna and Fr. Arthur Guevara is a testament to their steadfast commitment, sacrifice, and love for the Lord and His people. As we honor their remarkable journey, let us join in prayerful support and wish them another 25 years of fulfilling service in the Lord’s vineyard.