Sacred Heart Formation Community in Cagayan de Oro City Celebrates Benefactors’ Day

On June 9, 2024, the Sacred Heart Formation Community in Cagayan de Oro City held a celebration to honor their benefactors. The highlight of the event was the Holy Eucharist, which was presided over by Fr. Francis Pupkowski, SCJ, alongside Fr. Niño Etulle, SCJ, the regional superior, and Fr. Ronald Basco, SCJ, the superior of the community.

During the homily, Fr. Francis emphasized the Feast of Divine Love, which is symbolized by the opened Heart of Jesus. He stressed the importance of devotion to the Sacred Heart in the modern world and encouraged everyone to reflect on this message in their daily lives.

Following the Mass, a communal lunch fostered fellowship among the attendees. The celebration served as a way to express gratitude and strengthen the community’s bonds. It was a heartwarming and spiritually enriching occasion that honored the benefactors who support the Priests of the Sacred Heart and their mission.